On Oct 14, 2010, at 2:28 PM, Jacob Keller wrote:

> I have always found this angle independence difficult. Why, if the anomalous 
> scattering is truly angle-independent, don't we just put the detector at 90 
> or 180deg and solve the HA substructure by Patterson or direct methods using 
> the pure anomalous scattering intensities? Or why don't we see pure 
> "anomalous spots" at really high resolution? I think Bart Hazes' B-factor 
> idea is right, perhaps, but I think the lack of pure anomalous intensities 
> needs to be explained before understanding the angle-independence argument.

Yo Jacob:

I think one thing that got ignored as I followed the other irrelevant tangent 
is what f and F are.

f is the atomic scattering factor, and F is the corresponding Fourier sum of 
all of the scattering centers.  This holds for f_0 vs. F_0, f' vs. F' and f" 
vs. F".   The spots we are measure correspond to the capital Fs.  Just like we 
add the f_o for each scatterer together and we get a sum (F) that has a 
non-zero phase angle, this also holds for F" (that is the part I missed when I 
posted the original question my student asked me).

The full scattered wave isn't given by f by the way.  It is   (1/r) * f(r) * 
exp(ikr)  so the intensity of the scattered wave will still tail off due to the 
that denominator term (which is squared for the intensity).  That holds for 
f_o, f' and f" unless I missed something fundamental.

People tend to forget that (1/r) term because we are always focusing on just 
the f(r) scattering factor.

-- Bill

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