Actually, people forget the 1/r term because it is gone by the end of Chapter 6 of Woolfson.

Yes, it is true that, for the single "reference electron" the scattered intensity falls off with the inverse square law of distance (r) and, hence, the amplitude falls off with 1/r. However, the units of "intensity" here is photons/area. This is not the same as the units of "intensity" for an integrated diffraction spot (photons). That is, spots are an integral over solid angle, so the 1/r^2 term goes away. A shame, really, that we use the word "intensity" to describe so many different things. Leads to a lot of confusion like this! It is also a real shame that certain individuals are so draconianly eristic about "units" because this discourages the use of colloquial "units" (like photons/um^2 or electrons) as an educational tool.

The loss of the 1/r^2 term arises because diffraction from a crystal is "compressed" into very sharp peaks. That is, as the crystal gets larger, the interference fringes (spots) get smaller, but the total number of scattered photons must remain constant. The photons/area at the tippy-top of this "transform-limited peak" is (theoretically) very large, but difficult to measure directly as it only exists over an exquisitely tiny solid angle at a very precise "still" crystal orientation. In real experiments, one does not see this transform-limited peak intensity because it is "blurred" by other effects, like the finite size of a pixel (usually very much larger than the peak), the detector point-spread function, the mosaicity of the crystal, unit cell inhomogeneity (Nave disorder) and the spread of angles in the incident beam (often called "divergence" or "crossfire"). It is this last effect that often tricks people into thinking that spot intensity falls off with 1/r. However, if you do the experiment of chopping down the beam to a very low divergence, choosing a wavelength where air absorption is negligible, and then measuring the same diffraction spot at several different detector distances you really do find that the pixel intensity is the same: independent of distance.

Yes, I have actually done this experiment!

-James Holton
MAD Scientist

On 10/14/2010 8:33 PM, William G. Scott wrote:
On Oct 14, 2010, at 2:28 PM, Jacob Keller wrote:

I have always found this angle independence difficult. Why, if the anomalous scattering 
is truly angle-independent, don't we just put the detector at 90 or 180deg and solve the 
HA substructure by Patterson or direct methods using the pure anomalous scattering 
intensities? Or why don't we see pure "anomalous spots" at really high 
resolution? I think Bart Hazes' B-factor idea is right, perhaps, but I think the lack of 
pure anomalous intensities needs to be explained before understanding the 
angle-independence argument.

Yo Jacob:

I think one thing that got ignored as I followed the other irrelevant tangent 
is what f and F are.

f is the atomic scattering factor, and F is the corresponding Fourier sum of all of the 
scattering centers.  This holds for f_0 vs. F_0, f' vs. F' and f" vs. F".   The 
spots we are measure correspond to the capital Fs.  Just like we add the f_o for each 
scatterer together and we get a sum (F) that has a non-zero phase angle, this also holds for 
F" (that is the part I missed when I posted the original question my student asked me).

The full scattered wave isn't given by f by the way.  It is   (1/r) * f(r) * 
exp(ikr)  so the intensity of the scattered wave will still tail off due to the that 
denominator term (which is squared for the intensity).  That holds for f_o, f' and 
f" unless I missed something fundamental.

People tend to forget that (1/r) term because we are always focusing on just 
the f(r) scattering factor.

-- Bill

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