Oh dear, here we go again.

I know that there are people out there who have a hard time accepting quantum mechanics, but yes, each "photon" really does interact with EVERY ELECTRON IN THE CRYSTAL at once. Young's double-slit experiment is the simplest form of diffraction, which he performed in 1801 to settle an argument about the wave vs particle nature of light. The tricky bit, however, was performing the experiment at such low flux that only one "particle" is "in flight" at any given moment (Dontai et al. 1973, done with electron diffraction). However, if you do this, you still get an interference pattern at the end of the day:
This is the observation, and Mother Nature doesn't care if we like it or not. The only way we can interpret it is to conclude that the photon must be "interfering with itself".

In fact, anyone with a Pilatus detector (and a lot of extra beam time) can verify the self-interference of photons in macromolecular crystal diffraction. Since the source-to-detector distance of a typical MX beamline is about 30 m, it takes 100 nanoseconds for a "photon" generated in the storage ring to fly down the beam pipe, do whatever it is going to do in the crystal, and then (perhaps) increment a pixel on the detector. So, as long as you keep the time between photons much greater than 100 nanoseconds you can be fairly confident that there is never more than one photon anywhere in the beamline at a given instant. Now, one photon per 100 nanoseconds is 1e7 photons/s, which is a pretty weak flux for an MX beamline, but not too bad. Ideally, of course, one would want to read out images from the Pilatus that contain at most one photon hit each. You would then sum these images all together after the experiment to confirm that you do, in fact, get the same diffraction pattern that you would have gotten using higher flux. I am willing to take bets on this! Then again, this is exactly how the old multi-wire detectors worked (at much lower flux). So, I suppose this experiment has already been done?

The other observation that can only be explained by quantum mechanics is the fact that electrons orbiting atomic nuclei do not emit synchrotron radiation. Amazingly, this latter conclusion was first reached by Debye in the introduction of his now famous paper on temperature factors (Debye, P. J. W. 1915, Annalen der Physik 351, 809-823). http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/andp.19153510606

Yes, this is the paper where Debye first defines what we now call the "B-factor" (although he doesn't use "B"), as well as the first occurrence of the Lorentz factor (which appears in a second note-added-in-proof). If you read it (perhaps with the help of Google translate), you can tell that the conclusion about the de-localized nature of electrons in atoms was deeply disturbing to him as well. After all, we are all scientists, and letting go of determinism is not easy.

-James Holton
MAD Scientist

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