Another possibility (other than those already mentioned) is to try freezing without a cryoprotectant, by fishing the crystals out onto a mesh and removing all the mother liquor.

The following paper has some details:
"Direct cryocooling of naked crystals: are cryoprotection agents always necessary?"

Erika Pellegrini, Dario Pianoa, and Matthew W. Bowlera

Acta Cryst. (2011). D67, 902–906

Andrew Purkiss
X-ray Laboratory Manager
Cancer Research UK
London Research Institute.

Quoting Leonard Thomas <>:

Hi All,

I have run into a very sensitive crystals system when it comes to cryo protecting them. I have run through the usual suspects and trays are going to be setup with a cryo protectant as part of crystallization cocktail. The one problem that seems to be occurring is that the crystals crack as soon as they are transfered out of the original drop. I am running out of ideas and really would love some new ones.

Thanks in advance.


Leonard Thomas Ph.D.
Macromolecular Crystallography Laboratory Manager
University of Oklahoma
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Stephenson Life Sciences Research Center
101 Stephenson Parkway
Norman, OK 73019-5251
Office: (405)325-1126
Lab: (405)325-7571

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