My money is on the the wrong test set (as Jonathan Elegheert suggested).
I have seen this several times with newbies, when the test set is
created by phenix. It does it the "xplor-way". When it comes to the free
set, refmac defaults to 0, phenix tries to be intelligent (i.e. if 1/0
it uses 1, if more 0/1/2... it uses 0). Additionally, refmac (and I
think phenix) produces Fc filled maps. So if you swap R/freeR
reflections, the maps always look spectacular, as they essentially are
Fcalc maps. 
Inspection of the logfiles should help: #of reflections free and #of
reflections for refinement are reported by both programs, and IIRC, you
should get a warning that your free-R-set is not sensible.
One way out is to /always/ use ccp4 to assign the test-set, then both
programs run fine. Otherwise you have to explicitly tell refmac to use
"1" as the test reflections.



On Thu, 2011-12-08 at 18:36 +0100, Christopher Browning wrote:
> Dear All,
> Question: Has anybody ever refined the same structure using PHENIX and
> then tried REFMAC to see what happens?
> I did and I stumbled on something funny. I'm refining a structure at
> 1.1A resolution which was solved with Iodine phasing using PHENIX
> AutoSolve. Got a great map and the structure was built almost
> completely. I had to build a few residues myself, and using the
> published sequence, I started filling in the residues, but as I came
> nearer the N-terminus, it looked like the density did not match residues
> from the sequence. I kept the residues as in the sequence, but as you
> can see from the PHENIX refined picture (below is the link) it still
> looks like the amino acid sequence in the crystal does not match the
> published protein sequence.
> Out of interest I refined the same file in REFMAC, and now the electron
> density is correct, and the sequence of the amino acids in the crystal
> matches the published sequence (see link for picture below). Not only
> that..... my R/Rfree improved (16.5/19 for PHENIX, 10/18 for REFMAC). 
> I've also refined the occupancies of the iodide, however the the output
> FO-FC map from PHENIX complains and the REFMAC map is fine.....
> How can this be and what causes this?
> Link for the pictures:
> Both maps are at identical Sigma levels in both pictures.
> Cheers,
> Chris Browning

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