On Fri, 2011-12-09 at 05:45 -0800, Pavel Afonine wrote:
> just a remark: for phenix.refine it does not matter where the flags
> come from and what is the "test"/"work" value since it automatically
> scores the values in the flags array and guesses the right one. Still
> one can imagine corner case, so it's good to be careful -:) 

Since it does not matter to phenix.refine and it will remain backward
compatible, how about changing the default behavior so that when the
test set is missing, it is created with test_value=0?  Unless the
test_value=1 expectation is hard-coded somewhere else, this seems like
an easy fix, and will prevent the problems Chris was having.

I always thought that test_value=1 is essentially inherited from the CNS
default.  But when you think about it, the way it's done in
refmac/freeflag makes much more sense because of:

a) tiny improvement in code readability, since bool(0)=False (a very
python-esque argument);
b) if one wishes to use a different test set, 1/fraction of them are
already generated.



After much deep and profound brain things inside my head, 
I have decided to thank you for bringing peace to our home.
                                    Julian, King of Lemurs

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