Dear Jacob,

there was a nice small computation project by Anne Bochow published in the CCP4 
Newsletters (2005),    ,  communication 

illustrating how strong and how confusing the ripples may be indeed; if you 
want I may send it you off list the corresponding pdf file. Please make a look 
the figures, they are very impressive. And Pavel just commented how to 
distinguish such the ripples from the peaks for the deformation bond density. 

With best regards,

Sacha Urzhumtsev

De : CCP4 bulletin board [CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] de la part de Keller, Jacob 
Envoyé : jeudi 5 février 2015 21:53
Objet : Re: [ccp4bb] proton scattering by X-rays

What about the bogey of Fourier truncation ripples--I have heard many have been 
fooled by the into thinking they were seeing orbitals. How does one tell the 


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