
You can use the integrated integrated intensities only if you want to go the 
ccp4 route. Sort the integrated reflections, then scale and truncate them using:

Pointless xdsin INTEGRATE.HKL hklout sorted.mtz

Aimless hklin sorted.mtz hklout scaled.mtz

Hope that helps.


Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 17, 2016, at 4:08 PM, Andreas Forster <docandr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Wei,
> if you process your data with XDS, the best is probably to do the scaling in 
> XDS (CORRECT) and be done with it.  If you want to use Aimless for merging, 
> you can turn off scaling with the ONLYMERGE keyword or use SCALES CONSTANT.
> All best.
> Andreas
>> On Thu, Nov 17, 2016 at 9:40 PM, Wei Wang <ww2...@columbia.edu> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Is there a way to let xds_par use less than all processors/threads on the 
>> machine? Sometimes I would like to process something else while XDS is 
>> running.
>> Another question is related to the scaling procedure. My understanding is 
>> that the XDS already does the scaling during correction. So if I follow the 
>> XDS-Aimless route, then probably I should let Aimless do "skip scaling and 
>> only merge"? Please elucidate me on this issue.
>> Regards,
>> Wei

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