On 3/9/23 1:03 PM, Bill Degnan wrote:
That's my point, at least try the system see if it works as is, but assume the battery is just about dead if not completely. May have enough juice for one or two more boots. so get the info out of it you can.

I'm curious, what do you think /might/ be about to be lost that's of value.

Based on my understanding, the system seems fairly stock, an IBM ESDI controller, an IBM graphics controller, and what appears to be an IBM memory expansion. I naively assume that re-configuring those from the ground up would not be a problem. Of course that's predicated on a reference disk with the proper ADF files.

I'm assuming that said reference disk, ADF files, and possibly option disk can be acquired.

The chances a model 80 will smoke out or catch fire is less enough to make that a secondary concern.

Thank you for that.

no caps like that, this is an IBM.


I didn't think so. But it's been a long time since I've worked on a computer 25+ years old. I'm more cautious now than I was the last time I did so.

Even if there is stiction you should still try to boot and capture as much info as you can first before you replace the battery.

Based on previous experience with PS/2s, and re-configuring from the ground up, I'm not too worried.

I'd be likely to acquire a new battery and another power source to connect to the battery terminals while I replace the battery.

That being said, I should take my volt meter and see if there's anything at all. If it's dead, then there's not any point in hurrying.

I used to work at IBM when they sold these.


Grant. . . .
unix || die

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