This case almost restored my faith in the criminal justice system.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Braver, Ben [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, July 16, 2001 10:33 AM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: RE: Road Rage Hell
> The dog incident was in San Jose, CA.
> The guy made up a story that the dog bit him, and as an automatic reaction
> he threw it.
> Sentencing was last week.
> Probation department recommended against jail time.
> Judge instead threw the book at him - maximum allowable sentence
> of 3 years
> jail.
> He'll be out in a year and a half.
> But at least he'll be in.
> The judge said the guy's story was not a bit believable, and he showed no
> remorse.
> Courtroom erupted in applause when the sentence was read.
> Ben
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Todd Ashworth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Sunday, July 15, 2001 7:03 PM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: Re: Road Rage Hell
> Sorry that happened to you. People can just be so irrational. :(
> I vaguely heard of the dog incident.  Does anyone have a link to the news
> report?
> I dread the day when Charlotte drivers get that bad ... and the
> city planers
> want the city to get bigger .. like it's some sort of "mine is bigger than
> yours" contest.  I guess 25th biggest in the US isn't good enough for them
> .... they are on a full-on rush to keep growing.  Sheesh ..
> didn't they learn
> from the Panthers, hehe?
> An interesting story about road rage happened where my sister was
> a witness.
> She was driving up I-77 to work when she saw these cars merging
> into traffic
> on an entrance ramp.  The traffic was very slow at this entrace
> ramp due to
> normal rush our type traffic.  One car, in the line of cars
> merging, pulled
> out onto the interstate rather early and kinda cut her off and sped up and
> cut off another car that was merging.  The driver that cut the
> other one off
> then rolled down his passenger-side window and started chucking pealed
> bananas out of the window at the other car, hiting it several times on the
> hood and windshield..  WTF?  Why was the guy tossing pealed fruit
> at the car
> that he cut off?  What was he so pissed about? The other driver didn't do
> anything to the other person, on the ramp anyway.  Also, what the heck was
> he doing with a 1/2 dozen pealed bananas in his car anyway?  Does
> he always
> cary it in case of such "emergencies"?  She said that it was the most
> bizzare thing she had ever seen.  I'll bet.  It just begs the question ..
> what the hell is wrong with people?  It just reaffirms my belief that
> humans, as a species, are just plain stupid.  heh.  I'm suprised we have
> made it as far as we have =-p
> Too weird.  I hope I never run into any morons like that.
> Todd
> -----
> Mess not with the bananas, for powerfull are they.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Judith Dinowitz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Sunday, July 15, 2001 9:25 PM
> Subject: Road Rage Hell
> > Hi. I just went for a drive with Michael and the kids. It was
> fun -- until
> I
> > made the mistake of not seeing a stop sign and running through it, and
> > almost having an accident with another car.
> >
> > Okay, I was wrong to have run through the stop sign. And maybe I just
> should
> > have stopped and backed up and not steered around the other car (I was
> > already in the middle of the intersection and so was he) and then driven
> > away.
> >
> > I'm a pretty new driver -- While I have had a driver's license
> since 1989,
> I
> > haven't driven till May of this year. So occasionally, I make mistakes.
> >
> > I thought, "Thank G-d, we didn't have an accident." I stopped
> at the next
> > stop sign and then at the next red light, and lo and behold,
> there is this
> > man (the same one I almost had the accident with) following me.
> >
> > At that point, I was terrified. I kept thinking of that
> incident with the
> > guy (in New York, I think) who took a dog out of a car and threw it into
> > oncoming traffic. And I've got three kids in the car!
> >
> > He came up to the car and he starts screaming at me. He called me stupid
> and
> > he was so angry -- he said, "What were you thinking? What, you
> didn't see
> > the stop sign?" He started cursing me out. He said, "And look, you have
> kids
> > in the car."
> >
> > So I said, "Yes, you're right, it was a stupid thing to do.
> Definitely." I
> > thought the guy was nuts, but he was right that what I did was wrong and
> > probably stupid. I figured if I agreed with him, maybe he'd go away. It
> was
> > Michael who got angry and starting to yell at him. I said,
> "Michael, it's
> > all right." The only thing that was running through my head
> was, "Oh G-d,
> I
> > hope he doesn't have a gun." And I didn't want it to escalate
> any further.
> I
> > most definitely didn't want Michael to get out of the car.
> >
> > Finally, after he and Michael finished yelling at eachother, he
> went back
> to
> > his car. The light turned green and I moved forward. I was
> shaking, but I
> > kept driving. What else could I do?
> >
> > Judith
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