
Someone else's.
Guy and gal had a minor accident on the freeway.
Guy was standing outside gal's driver's side window talking to her.
Gal had her little fluffy dog on her lap.
Guy grabbed dog off gal's lap and flung it into traffic where it was killed.


-----Original Message-----
From: Stephenie Hamilton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2001 8:44 AM
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: Road Rage Hell

was it the guy's own dog or someone elses?


-----Original Message-----
From: Braver, Ben [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2001 11:33 AM
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: Road Rage Hell

The dog incident was in San Jose, CA.
The guy made up a story that the dog bit him, and as an automatic reaction
he threw it.
Sentencing was last week.
Probation department recommended against jail time.
Judge instead threw the book at him - maximum allowable sentence of 3 years
He'll be out in a year and a half.
But at least he'll be in.
The judge said the guy's story was not a bit believable, and he showed no
Courtroom erupted in applause when the sentence was read.


-----Original Message-----
From: Todd Ashworth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, July 15, 2001 7:03 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Re: Road Rage Hell

Sorry that happened to you. People can just be so irrational. :(

I vaguely heard of the dog incident.  Does anyone have a link to the news

I dread the day when Charlotte drivers get that bad ... and the city planers
want the city to get bigger .. like it's some sort of "mine is bigger than
yours" contest.  I guess 25th biggest in the US isn't good enough for them
...... they are on a full-on rush to keep growing.  Sheesh .. didn't they
from the Panthers, hehe?

An interesting story about road rage happened where my sister was a witness.
She was driving up I-77 to work when she saw these cars merging into traffic
on an entrance ramp.  The traffic was very slow at this entrace ramp due to
normal rush our type traffic.  One car, in the line of cars merging, pulled
out onto the interstate rather early and kinda cut her off and sped up and
cut off another car that was merging.  The driver that cut the other one off
then rolled down his passenger-side window and started chucking pealed
bananas out of the window at the other car, hiting it several times on the
hood and windshield..  WTF?  Why was the guy tossing pealed fruit at the car
that he cut off?  What was he so pissed about? The other driver didn't do
anything to the other person, on the ramp anyway.  Also, what the heck was
he doing with a 1/2 dozen pealed bananas in his car anyway?  Does he always
cary it in case of such "emergencies"?  She said that it was the most
bizzare thing she had ever seen.  I'll bet.  It just begs the question ..
what the hell is wrong with people?  It just reaffirms my belief that
humans, as a species, are just plain stupid.  heh.  I'm suprised we have
made it as far as we have =-p

Too weird.  I hope I never run into any morons like that.

Mess not with the bananas, for powerfull are they.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Judith Dinowitz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, July 15, 2001 9:25 PM
Subject: Road Rage Hell

> Hi. I just went for a drive with Michael and the kids. It was fun -- until
> made the mistake of not seeing a stop sign and running through it, and
> almost having an accident with another car.
> Okay, I was wrong to have run through the stop sign. And maybe I just
> have stopped and backed up and not steered around the other car (I was
> already in the middle of the intersection and so was he) and then driven
> away.
> I'm a pretty new driver -- While I have had a driver's license since 1989,
> haven't driven till May of this year. So occasionally, I make mistakes.
> I thought, "Thank G-d, we didn't have an accident." I stopped at the next
> stop sign and then at the next red light, and lo and behold, there is this
> man (the same one I almost had the accident with) following me.
> At that point, I was terrified. I kept thinking of that incident with the
> guy (in New York, I think) who took a dog out of a car and threw it into
> oncoming traffic. And I've got three kids in the car!
> He came up to the car and he starts screaming at me. He called me stupid
> he was so angry -- he said, "What were you thinking? What, you didn't see
> the stop sign?" He started cursing me out. He said, "And look, you have
> in the car."
> So I said, "Yes, you're right, it was a stupid thing to do. Definitely." I
> thought the guy was nuts, but he was right that what I did was wrong and
> probably stupid. I figured if I agreed with him, maybe he'd go away. It
> Michael who got angry and starting to yell at him. I said, "Michael, it's
> all right." The only thing that was running through my head was, "Oh G-d,
> hope he doesn't have a gun." And I didn't want it to escalate any further.
> most definitely didn't want Michael to get out of the car.
> Finally, after he and Michael finished yelling at eachother, he went back
> his car. The light turned green and I moved forward. I was shaking, but I
> kept driving. What else could I do?
> Judith
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