Ben's experience reminds me of one in Alabama years ago. Road
construction narrowed an interstate to one lane - with no shoulders. Two
guys in a BIG 4XD truck thought that three feet was a good following
distance. I used every strategem I knew to convince them otherwise, but
only succeeded in pissing them off.

When we got back to two lanes, they pulled alongside and the passenger
pointed a large-bore, chrome-plated pistol with an 8" barrel down at me.
As it happened, I had a pistol under the front seat. I reached down for
it, and I think they interpreted the move correctly and moved on. I
didn't pull the gun, but instead caught up with them. I got the tag
number and stopped at the next station to report their actions to the
local sheriff. I offered to press charges and to come testify at trial. 

All I can figure is that Bubba was the sheriff's son or the prosecutor's
nephew, because I never heard anything more.

Moral of the story? Consider how things would have turned out, had I
brandished my pistol. They could have killed me and claimed
self-defense. Or worse, I might have killed one of them.

P.S. - That event convinced me to remove the gun from my car.


"Braver, Ben" wrote:
> Judith,
> Glad it worked out okay for you.  But there are some very disturbed, angry,
> and even psycho people out there on the road.
> I'm learning that you just have to subdue the tendency to honk, gesture,
> yell, anything.
> Had a road rage incident where a guy cut me off, then drove dangerously...

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