
>Dave..what other form of power can kill millions of people worldwide from 
>Radiation and horribly and irreversibly poison the
>surrounding population for years and years later if something goes wrong?

Ummm....the sun? Now there's an idea: lets pass legislation outlawing the sun.

>Have you ever seen documentaries on the horros and terrible mutations that 
>people living miles away from Cherenobyl have now?
>How the rate of cancer and deformed children being born is off the scale?

Actually, Chernobyl was not a problem of nuclear power. It was a problem 
made of communism.

>Not somethign you are likely to see talked about on CNN, or published in 
>the daily newspapers.

I agree. CNN is unlikely to talk about the evils of communism or socialism.

>And don't say accidents don't happen.

True. Three Mile Island was a pretty big accident. Financially it was a big 
disaster. Enviromentally it wasn't too big a deal. Thanks in large part to 
the semi-capitalist nature of the TMI venture.

 >So WHY has so money been spent on that, as opposed to more renewable and 
safer forms of energy?

Because those other forms of energy(wind, sun) aren't terribly efficient. 
When they become more efficient, we will use them more.

Dave Fobare

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