Wall Steet Journal today. My mistake, the figures are combined for John and Theresa Kerry for their released income taxes for 2003. The article was written by  Steven Moore of the Club for Growth, so make what you will of that, but I just checked the figures at www.johnkerry.com and they check out.

Here is his return info:


Here is her return info:


I'm sure he would argue that her taxes shouldn't be an issue, but they are in fact married, it's not like he's the butler or something.

> >Speaking of taxes, have you seen the Kerry's latest returns, (he ones
> they have released, anyway)? He paid around $870K or so on $6.8
> million in wages- an effective tax rate of 12.8%. I thought rich guys
> had to pay more in taxes? Isn't that Kerry's whole stance?
> >
> >  
> >
> Where did you get those numbers?  Kerry's 2003 tax returns show gross
> income of about $395,000, 11% given to charity, and paid $90,000 in
> taxes.
> http://www.nationalreview.com/york/york_20040414_kerrytax03.pdf
> - Jim
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