I my original response was that his experience operating a boat in a war 30
years ago doesn't make him a better leader today.  It should make it easier
for him to relate to the troops, but this may be countered somewhat by his
stand when he left the service.


-----Original Message-----
From: Gruss Gott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2004 12:36 AM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Re: Bin Laden shows his ugly face

> Andy wrote:
> just cause you back a paradigm that doesn't succeed
> doesn't make you a bad CEO.  Most experiments fail.

When you're diverting funds and resources from fully supporting your
bread and butter, it does make you a bad CEO.  Exploring adjacencies
is fine, just make sure your main line guys have everything they need.

Management theory aside, my original point was that Mr. Kerry knows
what it means to be sent to combat.  He's hunted men before and he
knows what it feels like to kill another human.  I believe this
experience, when combined with his significant policy and diplomatic
expericence,  would make him a better commander-in-chief.

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