> Andy wrote:
> I my original response was that his experience operating a boat in a war 30
> years ago doesn't make him a better leader today.  It should make it easier
> for him to relate to the troops, but this may be countered somewhat by his
> stand when he left the service.

It's a fact that Mr. Bush led the country to war on conflicting,
shaky, and now false information; that is, it's the basis of a charge
of negligence.

Had Mr. Bush been in combat himself and understood what it's like to
hunt and be hunted by other men, to see your friends and acquaintances
screaming while they die, to know how parents, spouses, and siblings
feel when they're told their loved one is dead, he may have been more
careful before he  committed those troops.

Mr Kerry has that experience.

As Mr. Kerry has pointed out - you must be able to pass an "all
encompassing" test that shows that war was your final and only option.
 Mr. Bush's decision has failed that test.  And this may be because
has no idea what combat means.

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