> Larry wrote:
> It seems to me that the social conservatives forgot King Canute's lesson.

Yes, this is similar to one I heard about this famous Hollywood
director that died a year or 2 ago.  (I wish someone remembered his

Anyway, I heard an actor telling a story about him: he was on set one
day and noticed a well dressed gentleman on the edge of the set
intensely watching everything that happened.  Occasionally he would
look back at the Director, but otherwise he was silent.

It began to unnerve the actor and he wondered if he should call
security.  He decided he'd take up the issue with the Director.  The
Director laughed and explained that the guy was his "no" man - the
only person he could trust to tell him when a scene was not working.

For that strategy to work you need 2 things: 1.) a no-man, and 2.)
someone willing to listen and act.  It would seem Mr. Bush has
neither; he's fired all of this no-men.

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