I agree the system is stacked against minorities from the beginning.

And this was what AA sought to address, to try to afford them the same 
oppurtunities despite the fact that they are discriminated
against, and the deck is 'stacked' against them so to speak.

Your goal for education in schools etc. is noble and ideal. And it was supposed 
to be happening in Parallel with AA. Perhaps you can
investigate and let us know why it was *not* happening. 

But in the short term, when AA is removed minorities suffer and cannot earn 
enough wealth or positions of authority to make a
difference to the other members of their communities. Which means that in the 
short term these minorities are going to suffer
inordinately whilst your lofty goal of education and changing things 'from the 
inside out' takes place.Which is unacceptable.


-----Original Message-----
From: Nick McClure [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Affirmative action is a hack, it isn't a long term fix, it was a short term 
idea that many thought would be gone by now. The long
term fix starts long before people even thing about getting a job.

I don't know if you aren't reading what I'm saying, but you always seem to 
ignore my comments, I've offered a solution, my solution
is much harder, will take more time, and take more money.

There is a problem, it goes far beyond employment, it goes deeper into drug 
laws, and other things that occur in minority
communities. These things have to be addressed.

The entire system is stacked from the beginning in such a way that makes it 
very hard to get out of it.

If you know me, you know I'm exactly the most liberal person there is, however 
I recognize a problem here, I think we can fix the
problem. But it is going to go far beyond what AA can do. We have to fix 
society. I think AA prevents us from addressing the real

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