Your specious argument about whitey not offering anything doesn't help your case either. It was indeed because 'whitey' didn't offer anything that blacks and other minorites had such a long and difficult struggle in the US to get basic Civil and Human rights, and the struggle continues today.
I've already shown my proof and the research that has been done to back my statements. You have not done likewise. -Gel -----Original Message----- From: Phill B [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] You talk about facts referring to whitey keeping minorities down. If whitey runs every thing, wouldn't it stand to reason that we wouldn't be offering anything to the minorities? How about this. You show me the breakdown of loans, grants and scholarships provided to students broken out by their race. Then show me the trends of this information over the last twenty years. Next, we should cover the minorities owning and operating companies in America and the trends over the last twenty years. What do you think the numbers are going to show? No sob story here. I don't blame anyone for my down falls in life. I hold only myself responsible. I'm not the "White America" you are so ready to blame. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Discover CFTicket - The leading ColdFusion Help Desk and Trouble Ticket application Message: Archives: Subscription: Unsubscribe: Donations & Support: