So no advancements have been made? This is what I found on the first
page of a google search.
The proportion of Blacks completing college increased between 1975 and 2000;

Black high school graduates completed more academic courses in 1998
than in 1982.

A higher proportion of Blacks attend college than 20 years ago: in
2000, 31 percent of 18- to 24-year-old Blacks were enrolled in
colleges and universities, up from 19 percent in 1980. The proportion
of Blacks enrolled in colleges and universities out of all Black high
school completers increased as well, from 28 percent in 1980 to 39
percent in 2000.
Total number of African Americans enrolled in American law schools in
1990: 6,791
Total number of African Americans enrolled in American law schools in
2004: 9,435

Looks like good things are going on to me. How about you? 

My family died fighting for the freedom of slaves. What have you done
lately? Oh, I forgot, you live in Trinidad.

Minorities in America have it better than they did 100 years ago.You
can't show me that they are worse off than before. They have more
opportunities than ever. You CANT deny that.

I agree that things are still screwed up. I just want to see more
minorities take a stand and do some thing. Not just complain about how
bad they have it and blame white America.

This is fun. >:-]

On Thu, 27 Jan 2005 15:39:27 -0400, Angel Stewart
> Your specious argument about whitey not offering anything doesn't help your 
> case either. It was indeed because 'whitey' didn't offer
> anything that blacks and other minorites had such a long and difficult 
> struggle in the US to get basic Civil and Human rights, and
> the struggle continues today.
> I've already shown my proof and the research that has been done to back my 
> statements.
> You have not done likewise.
> -Gel

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