oh please.  I don't see myself as a victim thankyouverymuch.  But just
for my information anyone ever tell you anything of the kind? I didn't
think so. So please don't patronize me.

It's a little insulting to hear a white male lecture me on overcoming
obstacles. You don't have a clue and you don't even have a clue how
little clue you have. Tell you what -- you seem committed to your
point of view. I'll quit confusing you with the facts and maybe we can
all stay friends.


On Sun, 30 Jan 2005 20:43:28 -0600, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Dana wrote:
> > what numbers?  You posted a list. Your logic appears to be that if
> > there is at least one woman CEO, then women are not discriminated
> > against. And the same for minorities!
> >
> Both you and Gel are not understanding what I'm saying.  I am not
> saying that America is fair and discrimination free - it isn't, and it
> never will be.  We are in complete agreement about that.
> What I'm saying is that if you're a minority in this country, and
> willing to traverse roadblocks, you can go to a top school and get a
> top job.  Period.  I know people that've done it, I've done it, my
> wife has done it, and many, many others have done it.
> I know people that've moved here at 40, are black, and not spoken a
> word of english.  10 years after coming to America they're top people
> in their field.
> If you're committed to, say, being a partner at a top law firm, you
> can be.  You may face discrimination along the way, you may have to go
> to school B instead of school A, but you'll get it done if you're
> committed.  If some moron tells you to take a personality test or says
> you're too dumb to succeed, leave.  You to a different firm, go to a
> different school.
> The bottom line is, if it's not race or sex, it'll be weight.  They
> don't like you because you're too fat.  Or too skinny.  Or too short.
> Or too tall.  Or have red hair.  Or have have curly hair.  Or speak
> too softly.  Or too loudly.  Or they don't like your family.  Or it's
> Tuesday.  Or whatever.
> You can be a victim, or you can achieve your goals.  It's your choice.

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