
OK, I've had a look at your your link. How can you stand that site? I
am going to have to go wash now. Anyway, it seems to think that
quoting someone as saying that George Bush is wrong, is bad. People do
say these things you know. Is he supposed to not mention it? Nor does
it give any context to these quotes. Was he on the air as a CBS news
anchor, being interviewed himself, conducting an interview for 60
minutes? It makes a difference. These are different formats with
different expectations as to objectivity.

But again, even if the man is biased, so what? He is not running a
news show any more. The original point made by Gruss was that there is
a dearth of actual reporting of news taking place. And that people
increasingly do as you do, get their news from a few sources and
disbelieve all others. And so you and I can't talk politics because
you don't believe any sources but newsmax and worldnet and Rush
Limbaugh and I can't stand any of them.

It's a sad shame.


On Thu, 10 Mar 2005 10:30:50 -0700, Dana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I know I could count on you to kick the guy in the ass as he headed
> out the door. I can't quite stomach accusations of bias from a site I
> consider extremely biased, not just now. Might read it later.
> I told you yesterday, Dan Rather is irrelevant at this point. The
> topic here is, I think this is a good statement of what is wrong with
> media today. All media.
> Dana
> On Thu, 10 Mar 2005 09:24:53 -0800, Sam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Not Biased? Dan Rather, In His Own Words
> >
> >
> > On Thu, 10 Mar 2005 07:00:31 -0700, Dana  wrote:
> > > Getting back for a minute tothe discussion about the current state of
> > > the media, I was struck by the following:
> > >
> > > "One way a reporter in this country should be judged is how often, how
> > > well he or she stands up to the pressure to intimidate," he said. "Be
> > > respectful, be polite, but ask the question. Just ask the damn
> > > question. What kind of reporter are you if you don't press the
> > > question?"
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > a very good question and one we should be asking also. I am sure Sam
> > > will sign in with something about the National Guard story, so sure,
> > > it does seem that Dan Rather should have been double-checking the
> > > story not standing by it. An ironic criticism for the Bushies though,
> > > considering their man's repeated refusal to question his positions.
> > > But whatever. I am not here to praise Dan Rather but to say you know,
> > > we really do need more people who are willing to ask the damn
> > > question.
> > >
> > > Dana
> > >
> >
> > 

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