One very poingnant memory I have is a day I went to the beach. I remember it as a lovely, almost magical experience, with the sand on the beach etc. We went into a store on the beach to buy a toy, I still remember the toy.
A Big red plastic toy with a button to push that would shoot air through a tube inside and send little plastic rings flying around in the water. Even now, I can almost remember the feel of it, the sound of the water shooting through the tube...I really liked that toy. I also remember more vaguely a trip to the beach perhaps in Barbados, Where the waves seemed absolutely huge. My mother says I would have been about 4 then. I have memories of my visits to barbados, which were fun times from 4 up..I remember some Adventure Game books that I bought then...the Avenger series..Avenger, Usurpur etc. The books where you go to different page numbers based on what choice you want to make. Neat stuff :) Ahhh..The nostalgia...*hugs self* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Discover CFTicket - The leading ColdFusion Help Desk and Trouble Ticket application Message: Archives: Subscription: Unsubscribe: Donations & Support: