> Brian  wrote: 
> Nope, these people are murderers and terrorists who see a great chance to
> kill Americans, all the while having their actions rationalized by, not only
> middle eastern leaders, but also American citizens back home.

There are 3 types of Muslim "terrorists" these days:

1.) "Policy" terrorists, the top dogs.  This is the basis of Al
Quaeda.  These people, as all Muslims, feel their religion is morally
superior to the West and want to create a pure Muslim society and
gov't in Saudi Arabia, home of Mecca and Medina, Muslim holy cities.

They see the US as in the way of this process since they can get the
people behind them, but they cannot overthrow the gov't due to a US
presence.  IMO, this is what caused 9/11: if the US wasn't in Saudi
Arabia, 9/11, and the terror events leading up to it, wouldn't have
occurred.  This is the so-called "they're here because we're there"

Al Quaeda, some of the Iraqi 'insurgents", and Palestinians (Syrians,
etc) are of this type.

2.) Ideological terrorists, the 2nd tier.  These are people that
strongly feel Muslim society is vastly superior to the West and can't
understand why the West is more powerful.  They generally want the
same thing policy terrorists want, but their overall mission is to
make a point: the West is corrupt and morally bankrupt and we're not
as weak as you think.

These were the London terrorists and some Iraqi terrorists.

3.) Losers, the bottom of the barrel.  These are displaced Muslims who
don't really have policy problems, but they definitely feel Muslim
society is superior.  Their larger problem is they want to get ahead
and have been lured by the riches of the West, but can't integrate
into it.  This leaves them caught between 2 worlds: the country they
left behind that no longer accepts them, and the country they migrated
to which doesn't like them.

These are like the guy that killed Van Gogh.

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