We opted for the hot tub instead of the jacuzzi tub.  That way we can
fit more people into it :)

On 8/4/05, Erika L Walker-Arnold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yeah - I second the jacuzzi tub. I use ours too. Especially after a long
> day in the yard.
> It's not hard to fill it with hot water once a week and run a capful of
> cleaner through it to keep it up either - for when you aren't going to
> use it. If you make it a once a week chore - you'll always have a happy
> tub. :)
> Cheers,
> Erika
> --------------------------------------------------
> ##| -----Original Message-----
> ##| From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ##| Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2005 10:58 AM
> ##| To: CF-Community
> ##| Subject: Re: We're Building a house!!!
> ##|
> ##|
> ##| and i must say, we still use our jacuzzi at least 4-5 times
> ##| per month!
> ##| esp after a long day on the course, or soccer game or whatever
> ##| activity im into that day!

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