Ben, that sounds EXACTLY like my first few months here.  Lay low, be 
humble, learn whenever possible, and things will work out.

Being of that mind, it's hard for me to see where he's coming from....

Ben Doom wrote:
> See, this is why for the first few months, the new manager here was 
> impressed by the fact that I wasn't a loudmouthed idiot.  He had the 
> (quite reasonable) impression that those two adjectives could be applied 
> to basically anyone in their early 20's.
> I'm in my 3rd year here, I'm the primary web programmer, and it's just 
> been in the last year or so that I've been making suggestions about "how 
> things should be done" instead of "how I'd do it".
> Did I just miss the overbearing arrogance gene?  I mean, I'm arrogant as 
> hell, but I try not to be overbearing about it....
> --Ben
> Ray Champagne wrote:
>>So we just hired this new "kid" - he's really really green, but we need 
>>a lackeyboy to get some of the mundane html stuff done that is backing 
>>up so that the developers can concentrate on applications that we have 
>>here.  Anyways, he's done a little bit of php programming, etc while 
>>keeping up some servers for his friends.  He's big into the open-source 
>>thing, which is cool, but he's never held a "real" job in the IT field 
>>whatsoever.  In fact, I'd be surprised if he's ever held a job anywhere 
>>- period.  He just turned 21, BTW.

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