I think that Gruss doesn't realize that a country without a welfare program 
is going to be run over by criminals killing others for gain. Case in point: 
New Orleans

- Matt

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dana" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Community" <cf-community@houseoffusion.com>
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2006 7:56 PM
Subject: Re: Next in line to be labelled Dictator by America

> We all make mistakes and bad choices, Gruss. Some of us get penalized
> more savagely than others. By the way, from what I remember, Enron
> employees were not given any option for their retirement account
> besides Enron stock.
> Outside of empathy though, it is generally better to take care of
> social problems while they are small. For example. Bob Doe has worked
> in the mailroom at Enron for 10 years. He is pretty good at his job.
> Since he wants to send his kids to college (isn't that the American
> dream?) he moonlights somewhere else.
> Enron goes kablooie through no fault of his own. I know your scenario
> says that Bob should have gotten an MBA and a job with another
> corporation but who is to say that this other corporation would no
> thave been playing the same games with its balance sheet? And he would
> be even more vulnerable there as a new hire. Anyway, so Bob can't make
> his mortgage payment. Bob runs through unemployment, which is still
> not enough to make the mortgage payment though it does put food on the
> table (Bob being a proud sort does not want to apply for food stamps).
> Eventually Bob loses the house and we have Bob and his wife and his
> kids now NEED food stamps. Except that this does not get them into
> housing and they do the shelter system for a couple of years waiting
> for  subsidized housing to come available. Meanwhile, the kids wind up
> at the crappiest of public schools and learn that the grownup world is
> both arbitrary and stupid. Frustrated, they turn to drugs and
> delinquency.
> Total costs under this scenario are far higher than they would have
> been if Bob had gotten some job coaching and maybe a low-cost loan to
> help with his mortgage payment in time for it to do him some good.
> Sure, if he had gotten himself an MBA and a cool new job with Arthur
> Anderson he might not be there (wait a minute).... but then again
> there would always be a mailroom clerk at Enron, see my point?
> Dana
> On 1/10/06, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > Dana wrote:
>> > I'll agree with everything you say except granny dying in the street.
>> Here's my problem with that: granny used to be 20 and clearly made
>> some bad decisions to get to the point you're talking about.  You have
>> to take a step back and ask, "Is it government's role to subsidize
>> people's mistakes?"
>> So, for example, should the guy who lost all of his retirement because
>> he put it  all into ENRON get a "do over" on the tax payer coin?  I
>> say no.
>> I'd much rather see the majority of that money put into empowerment
>> programs like education than I would want to see it subsidizing
>> people's mistakes.  (yes, yes, the education system is broken.  So we
>> fix it via privatization :)
>> In reality, however, no matter how good your empowerment programs are
>> you're always going to have a few problems:
>> 1.) People that can't compete due to birth (special needs).
>> 2.) People that can't compete due to consequences (drug addicts, 
>> alcoholics)
>> 3.) People that, no matter how much you empower them, will still fail.
>> So you need to shore up those holes.  But not before you empower
>> people by telling them they're on their own.

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