> Cam wrote:
> Poor granny out on the street may have made some poor decisions in her
> life, but she's in not position to fix them at this point, and likely
> not capable of earning an income on her own either.  She should
> probably be helped out.

Yes, but here's the problem I have with what Gel and Dana have been
saying and/or implying (correct me if I've misunderstood):

Somebody has to pay to help Granny out.  So when somebody says they
don't what to be rich, but do want Granny off the street, they're
really saying they want somebody else to pay for it.

However, where I think Dana is going is to say that she already pays
her taxes - plenty to help out Granny - it's just that they're being

If that's all true, then I agree.  Get rid of farm subsidies and pay for Granny.

In fact, wouldn't it be refreshing if a Presidential candidate put out
a list of all of the things taxes should be used for and promised, if
elected, to veto funds for anything else?  That'd be awesome. 
Assuming they followed through.

I bet an Alaskan bridge wouldn't be on that list.

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