please see the history of unionism in the 19th century, followed by the advent 
of the New Deal in the 20th. Both very big factors in the rise of the middle 
class. Or read Dcken sometime. I know you said he was too hard, but you can do 
it if you try ;)

>Then how can we all be employed?  Yet we are and we work in neither
>factories nor farms.  And neither does most of America.  And all
>Americans are far wealthier than their counterparts 60 or 100 years

I've read the Grapes of Wrath, yes. All I can conclude from the paragraph below 
is that you live in a rather affluent suburb somewhere. There are plenty of 
public schools that not only don't have on-field AC (!) but also lack books and 
::shrug:: The argument about weight is disingenous, as actually this correlates 
with poverty. 

>Heck, one of our biggest problems is that we're too fat!  Have you
>read Grapes of Wrath?  I bet the Joads would rather live today than
>then.  Have you been to kid's football game?  They've all got new
>equipment and on-field A/C in some cases!  WTF?


I am afraid I still don't see even the dim logic above in the following. 

>And I didn't say agriculture was non-productive, I just said we all
>don't need to farm to have a plentiful food supply.  And, heck, most
>people CHOOSE to buy more expensive food.

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