On 9/19/06, Wayne Putterill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You misunderstand - I didn't leave because of what anyone else said, I
> left
> because I realised that if what the bible says is true then I wanted no
> part
> of it as I considered it morally suspect at least.

People get so hung up on the damn Bible...yeah, i called it the damn Bible.
It's a fucking book. Some parts are tremendously valuable lessons on life,
other parts are silly stories set in ancient times with little or no

Why can't we just leave it at that?

It's the killer blow against any religion that says "follow us or go to
> hell", what happens to people who live good lives according to their
> culture
> and upbringing who may not have even heard of that religion?

Once again you focus on the evangelicals. Ignore the nuts, and discuss this
with a moderate priest sometime. They are sure Jesus has a spot reserved for
all righteous people.

Either they go to hell (or whatever the appropriate substitute is) in which
> case the appropriate God is not acting fairly and can't be considered good
> or worth of following, or they go to heaven (again or appropriate
> substitute), in which case as long as you follow your own moral compass
> your
> going to the good place and you can safely ignore any organised religion.

Not sure we get to decide if God is acting fairly or not. If there is a God,
and he/she/it/fsm really did create us and everything else....God probably
gets to set what's fair and what aint.

Of course, being a Buddhist means I sidestep all the above and just get on
> with my life :)
Maybe I'm a Buddhist too then...because i've already sidestepped all that

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