Do you really think the Admiral was on the ground to witness something like

Come on.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gruss Gott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, November 02, 2006 3:00 PM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: Re: Going Back
> > tBone wrote:
> > Even the sailors that served with him say he was a dirt bag officer.
> >
> Nothing says "dirtbag" likes this Silver Star write up by Vice Admiral
> Zumwalt:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------
> The citations dwell mostly on Kerry's decision to attack rather than
> flee from two ambushes, including one in which he led a landing party.
> The longest of the citations, signed by Vice Admiral Elmo Zumwalt,
> commander of U.S. naval forces in Vietnam, describes Kerry as killing
> a fleeing Viet Cong with a loaded rocket launcher. It says that as
> Kerry beached his boat to attack his second set of ambushers, "an
> enemy soldier sprang up from his position not ten feet from Patrol
> Craft Fast 94 and fled. Without hesitation, Lieutenant (junior grade)
> KERRY leaped ashore, pursued the man behind a hooch, and killed him,
> capturing a B-40 rocket launcher with a round in the chamber."

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