> -----Original Message-----
> From: G Money [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 8:34 AM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: Re: E3 Press Conference Impressions: Part 3, Sony
> Certainly possible. The PS2 was ahead of it's time when it was
> released....the PS3 doesn't offer anything nearly as novel...it's just
> another high-graffix gaming device with a bloated price.

I'm just curious... what was so novel about the PS2 compared to the PS3?

Personally I find the similarities much more compelling.  Which system am I
talking about?:

+) Was released at a price considered "too high" for the general public.

+) Featured a new, high capacity storage device considered "overkill" for a
home game system but that allowed the system to double as a cheaper player
for movies in that format.

+) Incorporated a new, custom processor considered by many developers to be
"too difficult" to program for.  Sony defended the graphical quality the
processor was capable of, going so far as to call the system a "home super

+) When released issues with the system's complex development process and
installed base resulted in an initially disappointing, small library and
limited third-party support.  However this was somewhat offset by the fact
that the system was backwards compatible with its predecessor giving it a
much larger library of software to choose from.

+) Featured a controller very similar to its predecessor but incorporating
several new features.

+) Was touted as a "home media hub" and featured industrial design more like
high-end home theater components than traditional game systems.

+) The system was criticized by detractors for having too little system
memory.  Because of this, they claimed, the system could not output truly
impressive textures.

Overall, in my view, the systems are much more alike than different.  The
differences are of degree, not kind.

If Sony fails this generation it will be because they've tried to force
lightning to strike twice.  But who can really blame them for trying?

Jim Davis

Macromedia ColdFusion MX7
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