You seem invested in defeat, and you sound annoyed that Petraeus did such a
good job against Democrats who had already made up their minds about defeat
four years ago. He has managed to turn a mess created by Rumsfeld et. al.
into a reasonable chance of success. The progress is there for everyone to
see. His job was to report on progress since the surge started, and that is
what he has done.

On 9/14/07, Gruss wrote:
> Patreaus' report was complete crap - statistics that were wrapped in
> the in best light possible.  Basically he said, "we went on a diet,
> gained 30 pounds, "surged", and now we've lost 10.  But we have to
> stop surging now due to all of our success."  Uhhh ... but you gained
> 20 pounds ...

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