No.  If you'd read carefully what I asked for, it was

1) Admit the possbility becasuse it is based in science.
2) Show me the resources where it says such a study would be unethical and 

I didn't ask for the studies you already suggested that are disproving the 
theory.  I'm still trying to figure out how they got done (I didn't read 
them) if they are unethical and illegal.

- Matt

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Larry Lyons" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Community" <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2007 10:48 PM
Subject: Re: AYFKM?

> >Why is this always a personal attack?  Just provide some resources making
>>your point and I'll concede.
>>- Matt
> Again, are you deliberately ignoring what I wrote. I provided a link to 
> over 800 journal articles and books on the topic, and showed that the 
> majority of them showed no difference between different racial groups in 
> terms of intelligence.
> What else do you want? diagrams and stick figures?

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