> I take this back.  This is the action of one person who may or may not
> be secure in their own faith.  I know a lot of christians who wouldn't
> forward this email on and either enjoy the movie for what it is or
> just not go to it at all.  It's just a case of the extremes making
> themselves heard while the center isn't loud.

I received said email and deleted it - I make it a habit of not
forwarding anything that includes the text "FORWARD THIS TO ALL OF

As a Christian I have to say that most of the modern media presents a
picture of life that has me very worried.  As a parent I can say the
same thing.  Take a look at this ad created by Dove (caution, includes
rapid images of women in undies and surgical procedures):

As an avid reader of Sci-Fi and Fantasy I can say that the extremes
definitely read too much into some of the things that are being put
out today.  Then again, entertainers are entertainers and not
political figures and most of the world doesn't understand that

The Catholics have posted the following:
and my take on their opposition is preservationist in nature.

All that said, my kids probably won't watch it - not because I'm
worried about them absorbing the tenants of atheism (which is an odd
thing to say on a compositional level) but rather because I know my 5
year old daughter gets upset at Tom & Jerry and Sleeping Beauty.
Something more intense than that is torture and I won't subject her to


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