I agree with her actions too.  We never may know the whole story, but what
if this kid was a little shit that never listened to his Mom, and this was
her way of trying to *get* him to listen?

Living in the world we do today, with the kids being the way they are today,
I will *never* scold a parent for doing what it takes, in their mind, to
keep their children out of jail/dead on the streets.  Too many are headed
that way as it is.  I'm only 33, and I shouldn't be saying this, but kids
today, oh, man, are they in for a rude awakening.

(Of course, I draw the line at any physical abuse.  I shouldn't have to say
that, but I know this group.  =) )

On Jan 9, 2008 4:29 PM, Erika L. Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Doubt you will either. That's not sensational enough news.  "Teen learns
> valuable life lesson"  ... nope, no blood or decapitation there.
> And since many want to play devil's advocate, allow me:
> What makes you think the woman wanted "15 minutes of fame anyway"? Did she
> report it as a news item, or did she just make a clever ad, post it and go
> about her day, oblivious to the fact that someone somewhere would even
> think
> it "important enough" to spread around the AP wire? Pat on the back? Come
> on. I sincerely doubt this is the outcome she predicted when she
> generously
> bought and gave the car to her son in the first place.
> I think as far as the "publicity" of this particular punishment goes,
> people
> have jumped on the mom quite a bit too soon. But hey, that's my opinion
> and
> I'm probably biased anyway because I agree with her actions.
> On 1/9/08, Ian Skinner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Jerry Johnson wrote:
> > > It was the public embarrassment that made such an impact, followed by
> > > a good talking to.
> > If you say so.  I did not read anything about what the young man learned
> > and when.
> >

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