hmm. What subsidies are you talking about?  I don't seem to find the
word anywhere in my proposal except in reference to doing away with
bogus tax deductions.  If you think that doing away with bogus tax
deductions for corporations will cause the price of goods to increase,
this is mildly good, imho. The cost of goods should be paid by the
people who buy them not by the taxpayers. And this will cause an
increase in the cost of certain goods only, versus the increase under
your propoal, which will be across the board.

On 2/6/08, Dana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am not sure how that is superficial? But I think it's not a bad
> proposal for overnight. Its main flaw is it does not set the placement
> of the tax brackets imho. It does relieve the current inequity in
> payroll taxes. I don't think it changes the top tax rate much, but
> removing bogus deductions and simplifying the code should go a long
> way to making up any costs. An alternative minimum tax on corporations
> would probably be revenue positive without being counterproductive.
> I don't think anyone currently pays 5% but if you remove the payroll
> tax for the lower brackets people would probably be happy to pay it as
> they would come out ahead.
> If you think there's a problem with that let's hear what it is.
> On 2/6/08, Cameron Childress <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Summary: Increase tax on the rich, decrease tax on the poor.
> > Predictable I think.  Let's get a little less superficial and find out
> > how that would work....
> >
> > Dana wrote:
> > > But, here's a thought for you. Consider a household to be like a
> > > business. Define what can be counted as a cost of doing business.
> > > Anything above that is adjusted gross income. Tax that on a
> > > progressive scale from oh 5% to 50%.
> > >
> > > Remove the income cap on social security payments.  Exempt the bottom
> > > 25th income percentile.
> > >
> > >
> >
> > So I personally know someone who doesn't work because if they did, the
> > combined income of this person and their spouse would raise their income
> > level to a point where they would be taxed more and receive less
> > subsidies from the government.  If their subsidies went up (as you
> > suggest) and the taxes above that line also went up, I know they would
> > NEVER work.  Do you think this would encourage more of that behavior?
> > If not - why not?
> >
> > > Do away with the alternative minimum tax for individuals and institute
> > > it for corporations.
> > >
> >
> > Which will just be passed through to consumers.  If you think it will
> > not be, please let me know how you as a CEO would accomplish this feat
> > of magic.
> >
> > > That's the best I can come up with after a 12-hour shift but it will
> > > do for a start. And I don't expect you to like it. You claim to want
> > > simplicity but I am pretty sure you really mean you want lower taxes
> > > for yourself.
> > >
> >
> > Oh I do want lower taxes for myself.  I also want lower taxes for you,
> > and for everyone.  What I want is to reduce the total amount of money
> > required to run the Federal government.  Your solutions do nothing
> > towards that.  They just shift the tax burden to a different group of
> > people.
> >
> > And I have no idea what shifts you work, but if you'd like me to start
> > tracking them for the list I can.
> >
> > -Cameron
> >
> > 

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