I never said I wasn't. This was totally irresponsible of them and they 
should be admonished. Brittan has long been a trustworthy ally and crap 
like this does not help. I just figured that if someone were going to 
bash one news outlet, let's get all the players involved, especially the 
big ones like the Times. Frankly I often wonder how they stay in 
business with their baseless drivel that is constantly spewed upon their 
pages. But oh well, I guess they have a reader base that will always 
remain loyal to them.
And yes, I am referring to the McCain thing. Yes it is no where near the 
level of what Drudge did, but the principal is the same to me. Printing 
things that have no business being printed for no other reason than to 
sell papers. But unfortunately for the Times that plan backfired and 
they ended up losing money. So then they have to come up with something 
else like trying to say McCain is not eligible to be President because 
he was not born in the US. More crap that should turn readers off even 
more to them.
Bah! They all suck.

Gruss Gott wrote:
> If you're talking about the McCain thing, I think the impact is a
> little different.
> In the case of Prince Harry Drudge endangered the lives of soldiers in
> the field for no news purpose.  That is, there's no compelling reason
> for any of us to know he's there and in doing so we've put him and his
> whole unit at risk.
> In the McCain story ... well there's really no impact except giving
> the talk radio crowd a reason to rally around McCain.
> I surprised you're not outraged at Drudge putting soldiers lives at
> risk for no reason.

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