So who is the tortoise? Reciting folk tales doesn't change the progress being made on the ground by Iraqis and Americans working together. As I have said before, Iraq isn't going to become Switzerland overnight. but the country is changing into a better place before our eyes. Why don't more people know about this development?
Iraq has disappeared from the news largely because "the story" there has turned positive and the media don't want to cover it. Once every few days there will be a story about a bombing, but other than that, nothing. Why not? Might it actually make people feel better about the war if they knew what was going on? No, that's not the job of the MSM, they look for ways to make America look bad. Why is it bad to be proud of the job our people are doing over there? Oh, I forgot, it's OK to support the troops and oppose the mission. But when you denigrate the progress being made on the ground, you insult the people responsible for that progress, including a lot of Americans in and out of uniform. Personally, I think our people are doing a great job, as are the Iraqis. The proof is in the numbers. Violence is down, people are returning, revenue is being shared, significant laws dealing with pressing issues like the division of power and oil revenues have just been passed. Let's at least acknowledge when our fellow citizens and their Iraqi counterparts put their lives on the line and do a great job. On Sat, Mar 15, 2008 at 8:30 PM, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > A tortoise and hare were racing. The hare knew he was like lightening > compared to the tortoise so when the starting gun blew, the hare let > the tortoise get quite a head start on him. > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial;160198600;22374440;w Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe: