On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 8:43 AM, Jim Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> McCain could not have done what Obama's done.  The democrats are laboring
> under the (probably false) assumption that "anybody could beat the
> Republicans" this time out.  It's a historic campaign, but one that could
> alienate already threatened conservatives more.

It's historic because I think the 2008 election is the ONLY election where a
Barack Obama and his message of hope with little or no experience to back it
up...would ever have a chance at the presidency.

> Could the Republicans really have chosen any better?  McCain is still, for
> all his maneuvering, seen as essentially a centrist.  This may piss off
> true
> conservatives... but they'll still vote for him even if only to keep Obama
> out.  Just assuming that McCain has everybody "right" of McCain means a
> hell
> of lot of votes.

No, the republicans could not have chosen better. McCain is one of only a
handful of republican candidates that would have a chance in this election.
Even though Bush endorsed him, everyone knows he doesn't like him. The scars
sewn when Bush and Rove destroyed McCain during the 2000 election run too

Americans are looking for the anti-Bush, and McCain is one of the few
republicans who MIGHT be able to convince people he is just that...even with
a Bush endorsement!

McCain will also pull, of course, anybody with a racist (or in the unlikely
> case of a Hillary nom, sexist) bone in their bodies regardless of
> affiliation and I doubt we've got a serious handle on those numbers in
> this
> country yet.

Hopefully that number is small, but yes, it is still a reality.

> Since McCain already has the right tied up no matter what (since the Dem
> choices are so far left) he can also feel free to choose an out and out
> liberal as a running mate.  He could even choose a Democrat if he wanted
> (a
> move that I think would clinch a victory for him).

THe hard core right, yes, will vote for McCain simply because they always
vote republican. But don't discount the ability for the inspired message of
Obama to appeal to some moderate republicans who are sick of Bush and
everything associated with the republicans right now.

I don't think McCain has the right "tied up". I know several moderate
republicans in my state who are seriously considering Obama.

Again I'm betting that the same "middle America" that voted in droves in
> 2004 to stop the threat of rampant, state-sponsored homosexuality will be
> out in force to prevent either Obama or Clinton from assuming the mantel.

Hillary, yes. Obama, i'm not so sure. I don't see the same blatant hatred
and fear of Obama among the thumpers here in the Bible belt that I see for
Hillary, or any other democrat candidate for that matter.

They come up with other reasons to oppose him, mind you, but that blind
hatred isn't there with Obama....at least not that I see.

Since they've no choice but McCain I think this means that a) McCain doesn't
> have to run as conservative a presidential campaign as he ran to gain the
> nomination and b) there's going to be a very tough road for any democrat,
> but especially for these democrats.

I think it's tougher for democrats because the republican candidate,
contrary to the past elections, is a candidate that some democrats might be
able to embrace. The cross over vote on both sides is going to decide this

I still think the George Bush affect will be the deciding
factor...ultimately convincing more morderate Republicans and independents
to cross over to the left, than visa versa.

Her face used to feel so soft
Until her agent's doctor pulled it off

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