I feel ya bro.. Mine died yesterday. I havent gone through the
heartache you have but anytime you have to send away something for 2-3
weeks that you paid good money for sucks. They should start sending
refurb ones to keep us busy.
Anyways.. My friend just suffered his second Ring of Death also, about
2 weeks ago..
So of 2 people, we've expierenced the RRoD 2 times.. that's 200%.

I hope they replace the whole CPU.. I hear that the newer ones run
cooler? Something like that..


On Sat, Mar 29, 2008 at 10:12 AM, Jim Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The XBox 360 has completely run out of goodwill from me.
> I've playing (and really enjoying) "Mass Effect"... I've put in about 30
> hours and I've just hit a major climatic point in the story... and the
> freakin' XBox (my THIRD ONE) dies on me.
> I thought it was actually a bad disc since I'm (for once) getting no Red
> Ring of Death but instead just get a black screen and no error message, but
> every game disc does it (basic functions and non-disc games work fine).
> So now it's run through Circuit City's protection plan policy (which means
> sending in a request, getting a box sent back, sending in the unit then
> waiting for a replacement).
> My first unit broke while I was playing "Oblivion".  My second during "Gears
> of War" and now this one.  The damn things work great until some game
> actually grabs enough to want to play for more than a few hours.
> So far my history has been:
> 1) Bought the first one soon after release.  Not many games so I spent a
> long time playing "Uno".
> 2) First one broke playing "Oblivion" about 6 months after I got it, Red
> Ring of Death.  Called MS, told it only has a 90 day warranty and it would
> be $140 to fix it.   Told that since it was out of warranty already there
> was no problem if I wanted to try and fix it myself.
> 3) Fumed for several months.  Finally tried to fix it myself (resetting
> heatsinks).  Failed.
> 4) Fumed for another month.  MS announced extended warranties and
> grandfathered repairs.  Sent mine in to be fixed.  Had it sent back as
> "Tampered with" - they won't touch it.  Argued that THEY SAID I COULD TOUCH
> IT!  Told that the RMA department can SAY whatever they like but the repair
> department has the final say and won't touch it.
> 5) Fumed for a while.  "Gear of War" comes out... convinces me to buy
> another one (a core unit this time since I have all the extra gear already).
> This one fails within a month.  I return it to Circuit City under the
> "Basic" return policy.
> 6) Last one works for nearly a year... until I start playing "Mass Effect",
> now it bombs.  Circuit City has a "one return" policy - if I want the new
> one covered I need to buy ANOTHER extended plan!
> So far XBox 360 has cost me nearly $900 just in consoles and warranties.  Of
> course I also have a significant investment in games, accessories and LIVE
> payments... so just plain shit-canning the whole mess is painful as hell as
> well.
> But I will never buy another 360 game that even has a chance of making it to
> the PS3 or PC again.
> Just needed to vent.
> Jim Davis

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