Mary Jo:

Condolences, from this bunch of Valliants (showed the wife and kid the
pictures, and I've spoken of you & Taz to them before-- we're all sad
for your loss).

Taz is a beautiful dog (I just lost a relative from Samoa to cancer,
and I like the current-tense idea... but I digress).  I know exactly
what you mean when you talk about a once-in-a-lifetime-er.  Jack, who
we've been thinking about a lot lately, is a OIAL-er.  No other dog
can come close, I feel.  Soooooo damn human (or maybe alive, instead
of human, cause human ain't all it's cracked up to be, compared to a
dog's life).  There is that special look in the eye... I've been
around a lot of dogs throughout my life, but Jack... broke the mold.
My (and my family's) heart still aches when I think about him, and I
know that it's going to ache for, quite probably, the rest of my life.
 At least a little.  He's that special.  We went through so much
together.  Major things, both on his side and ours.  Amazing things...
we've just been blessed to have him in our lives.  We're much richer,
kinder, and a bunch of other adjectives, for the experience.

I may never know the likes of him again, but I'd not trade the entire
experience, start to end, for anything.

I'm not like, the most smooth or considerate person, so I'll just end
this before going into my whole "life theory" type stuff, which
apparently isn't as consoling for others as it is for me (first
argument me, and the now-wife ever had, was about my consoling
prowess, er, lack thereof ;).  Also, you may want to avoid reading my
next post re:"Why Is McCain Against The GI Bill?", as it's got some
rough language/sentiment, and you strike me as probably not liking the
rough & rowdy linguistics (i.e. pardon my French) so much.

(Heh.  I know I'm a dork, it's quite alright by me.)

Taz, here's looking at you.

"Good boy"

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