You might not but Sheehan and others of her mindset do. I've seen places
where the terms are interchangable.

As for being pro-Israel, the proof is in actions and the actions have not
been pro-Israel but pro-the use of Israel for their own needs. Want to
appease an Arab ally? Force Israel to make concessions. Want to look good in
the Arab world? Force Israel to release prisoners who well deserve to be
prisoners. Want to appease defense contractors? Force Israel to go back on
military related contracts with other countries. Want to appease government
contractors? Force Israel to accept American foregn aid in the form of
'rebates' for American goods (thereby killing Israel's own manufacturing

Pro-Israel? I call bullshit (a trademark of Showtime)!

On Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 2:07 PM, Judah McAuley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I don't think of Neocon as being code for Jew at all, but perhaps I've
> missed something. The archtypal neocon group, to me, is PNAC and there are
> lots of folks that aren't jewish in their membership ranks. Jeb Bush,
> Cheney, John Bolton, Gary Baeur, etc. Very pro-Isreal of course, but not at
> all Jewish.
> Judah
> On Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 10:44 AM, Michael Dinowitz <
> > This is why the term Neo-con pushes my buttons. It's a 'code' for Jews.
> > It's
> > used to say that Jews control the American government. It's used to say
> > that
> > Jews caused the war in Iraq. It's used to say the same thing that's been
> > said a million times before - it's all the Jews fault. And Sheehan, for
> all
> > of her pain as a woman with a lost son, was a %&#$^# moron for her
> > statement.
> >
> >
> >

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