On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 4:19 PM, Larry Lyons <larrycly...@gmail.com> wrote:

> >So your solution is to basically tax people, even those who did not want a
> >union to begin with?
> So those who do not want to be in the union get to enjoy the benefits it
> provides without paying for it? Like wage and benefits negotiators, etc.
> Isn't that the welfare you keep harping about?

Nope, I don't think you should get any of the perceived benefits of union if
you don't pay into it.

> Why should that minority get something without paying for it. Besides their
> dues are not going to the union but to a charity. What have you got against
> charities?
> A rand solution is equitable. Everyone pays the same dues, those who do not
> want to be in the union aren't in it, but they do have to pay for the
> minimal union benefits.

I have nothing against charities.  I do however have a thing against being
told I have to donate to charity.  Kind of inches in to that freedom thing
we have come to love here in America.
A rand solution is not equitable as you are still forcing someone to take
some of their income and give it away solely because someone else wants to
do the same thing. Imagine how you would feel if your employer told you that
you had to donate money to charity and that they were going to just take it
form your paycheck regardless.  You would go nuts.  But if its a union, you
are ok with it.  That is asinine.

> >
> >My biggest issue with unions is that they tend to promote an adversarial
> >system where they try to pit labor against management. I am not saying it
> is
> >only from the union side, but from my experience it was initiated from the
> >union side.  It also tends to pit pro-union vs anti-union people from
> within
> >labor, I have experience with this as well.
> In most of my experience with unions, its usually been the other way
> around, after the union was voted in the company became very hostile.

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