On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 7:47 AM, Gruss Gott wrote:
> Look to the airlines, how'd we solve that problem?  Did we finance the
> high cost of tickets in the 70s with public money?  Or did we
> privatize?
> We privatized.  And what was the result?  By many studies, tickets are
> 50% less with no reduction in safety.

Um, didn't we bail out most of the airline industry like a couple
years ago?  'cept for like, SouthWest?

> So the answer is obvious: we need to privatize healthcare.

I'm not so sure that's the answer.  In some part, perhaps, but after
seeing the difference between a private hospital and a public one... I
don't know that using market type logic is especially applicable.
Some, sure, but private industry isn't "the answer", as far as I've
seen so far.

> And that, my friend, is how you solve the healthcare problem.
> Markets!

Sounds too easy to me, but perhaps you're right.

To err is dysfunctional, to forgive co-dependent.
    Berton Av

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