>> When people talk about waiting lists for MRIs, they are talking about
>> Ontario;
>How many years ago was this?

Here is some interesting information about this. Health Canada, a federal 
department, regularly publishes a series of surveys of the health care system 
in Canada based on Canadians first hand experience of the health care system, 
see http://www.healthcoalition.ca/index-eng.pdf

In general, although life threatening cases are dealt with immediately, some 
services needed are non urgent and patients are seen at the next available 
appointment in their local chosen facility. 

The median wait time in Canada to see a special physician is a little over four 
weeks with 89.5% waiting less than 3 months. My mother was able to see a 
specialist in a week.

The median wait time for diagnostic services such as MRI and CAT scans [34] is 
two weeks with 86.4% waiting less than 3 months. Again, my mother was able to 
get her first MRI in less than a week, and her second in about 10 days. 

The median wait time for surgery is four weeks with 82.2% waiting less than 3 
months. My mother did not have surgery so I cannot compare that experience.

So in other words the wait time for Canada is only a bit longer than in the US 
in some special cases.

That said my own recent experience with the Canadian system comes from my time 
in BC last October during the last couple of months of my mother's life. During 
that time, she was seen almost immediately by specialists and had all the 
appropriate tests without any real waiting time (1 week for her 2nd MRI). Our 
family had no complaints about the care she had, it was quite excellent. My 
friends and relations in western Canada generally have experienced the same, 
little or no waiting time. There may be some waiting time on occasion, but only 
for non-emergency or elective procedures.

At this point the propaganda I've seen in the media that have attacked the 
Canadian system are outright lies. I thought there were laws about truth in 

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