> Dana wrote:
> I don't get it. Well, I do - the insurance company stands to lose money.
> That's what this is all about.

Ever heard of US military's health insurance called TRICARE?

"SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- Health Net Federal Services, LLC, the
government operations division of Health Net, Inc. (NYSE:HNT), today
announced that Health Net Federal Services, which supports the TRICARE
North Region ..."

Oh, and Medicare?

"The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) today announced
the final five contractors that will process and pay Medicare claims
for ..."

Not to mention Medicare Advantage which is where the "savings" will
come from if you can convince people to cut their benefits.

Here's what some of the patients are saying and the proposal is to
eliminate ("ration") this care:

'In July, Maurice Engleman, 82, of Palm Springs, Calif., made the
rounds on Capitol Hill, presenting himself as living testimony to the
benefits of Medicare Advantage. Last year, Engleman was diagnosed with
tongue cancer shortly after his wife of 59 years died. His Medicare
Advantage managed care firm, Desert Oasis Healthcare, assigned a nurse
to guide him through a thicket of doctor visits and hospitalizations,
including what turned out to be 30 radiation treatments.

"There wasn't an appointment she didn't come meet me," Engleman said.
"Physically and emotionally, I felt completely supported. I really
don't think I would have made it without this continuum of care."

Engleman, who said he is now cancer-free, acknowledged the added
expense of Medicare Advantage - to taxpayers, not to him - compared
with traditional Medicare, but said it was cost-effective in the long
run. "It might cost $1,000 more, but if I didn't have to go to the
hospital, that might save Medicare $5,000," he said.'

So, no, this isn't about insurance companies losing money.  It's about
tax payers losing money by pursuing a stupid agenda that will fail in
the same way and for the same reasons Bush failed.

Neo con.  Neo Liberal.

They're just 2 sides of the same failure coin.

The solution is easy to say:

(1.) Cut the tie between insurance and employers.

(2.) Regulate insurance for the needs between Medicaid and Medicare

(3.) Create pricing transparency and put the consumer's wallet in
front of the physician's bill.

That right there lowers costs, gets you universal care, and maintains
the safety net.

Cutting costs means the healthcare pie is going to shrink.

For doctors, labs, equip makers, software companies, insurance companies, etc.

And those stakeholders can adapt and profit or leave the market.

And in that way we all win.

So it's about saving tax payer money.  In other words, my money.

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