> oh geez I  brought it back to life.

> Not if it bankrupts the country as it is now.

but who says it will any more so than an extrapolationof what we do now?

> Further it's a
> necessity for production like food and water.  So why not just
> eliminate markets there too?

Don't follow your point,.

>Why not have the government set flat fees for all doctors?

I dunno, why not?

 >For all medical software?

troll ;)

> For all lab equipment?  For all health supplies? For all food?  For all
more troll ;)

>Because we're not communist because that's a failed system.
We aren't? And it is?

>At the end of the day, I think we all agree that the system is broken
and that we need reform.
ok... you were scaring me for a minute there

>But doesn't this all sound familiar?  Like, maybe, the housing market?
no, not really....

>Remember when the Bushies told us to trust government, give them
>power, and trust them with our freedom?
yes and your point is?

>Remember the vote-for-me-or-die?
yes and your point is?

>Peoples, this is the same shit different year.
If it were the same shit we would not even be having this conversation. We'd
be talking about how mercury is good for you according to the EPA.

>Do know how I know?  2 years ago Sam and Robert were calling me a liberal.
were they?

>This year Judah is calling a neo-con.
is he?

>What's my common principle?

>don't.  trust.  government.

>every time this country does that we fail.

>Social security isn't an industry.  Medicare isn't an industry.

>Single-payer is an industry.

>Don't trust government with one more penny than it takes and insist
they do their job.

>Giving them an industry for failing to regulate it in the first place
is asinine.
so wait... you were in favor of regulation? Aren't you against the
government tho?

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