> Judah wrote:
> Sure thing. I like my hydro-power from the BPA. I like my clean water
> through the City of Portland. Works marvelously. Clean, cheap,
> efficient.

I get it.  You trust government and think it's efficient, innovative,
and effective.

It's a reasonable supposition.

Just one that I think has no possible other outcome than failure.  Here's why:

The acknowledgment of the failure of the healthcare system is an
admission of failure of goverance.

So your proposed solution to our government's failure is to give them
the entire industry.

When you give time-proven failures something to accomplish they repeat
history on you: THEY FAIL!  Remember the last 8 years?

Government is a time-proven failure.

Rewarding their failure with an entire industry and expecting new and
innovative success is the definition of insanity.

You think you're doing the right thing.

But if you get your way you'll learn how horribly mistaken you are.

Or not.  Look at the Bushies.

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