On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 5:20 PM, Medic <hofme...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Wow, way to not respond to what I actually wrote.

I did and corrected you ill advised facts

> I mentioned highschool girls and you come at me about 9 year olds.
> I mentioned "little boys" and you come at me about 13 years olds.
> I mention a priest diddling a little boy being different than a male teacher
> getting involved with a highschool girl and now you label me as being ok
> with adult males diddling 9 year old girls.
> Seriously Sam... do you have a learning disability? Tell me if you do and
> I'll be much more understanding about your reading comprehension.

Here we go again.

You implied men on teen girls was better than men on little boys.
I, believing they are both wrong, explained to you that the majority
of priest abuses are with teen boys and teacher abuse is pre-teen and
younger. rather than getting flustered confrontational, thank me for
educating you.

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